Preparing to Film

Actors: In our film opening there are 3 main characters: the kidnapper, the victim, and the person trying to solve the problem. We have decided to switch the gender norms and make the kidnapper a girl (Abbie), who will be kidnapping me, while Jonathan tries to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

Costumes: The story will be taking place during the 80's. With this being said, we must dress the part. Abbie will be living a double life, so she will have two very drastically different outfits. One outfit she will be wearing is her "innocent" nerdy 80's outfit: high wasted long shorts, white blouse, suspenders and glasses. I will be dressed as a typical teenager who just went camping. Jonathan will be a videographer, so he will wear artistic baggy clothing.

Props: Since the film takes place in the 80's we will need props from the 80's. For example, old fashioned alarm clock. old video camera and other objects that look like they are from the 80's. Moreover, we are going to need props to make it seem as if Abbie is my real life stalker. This would include articles of clothing and strands of hair that belong to me.

Location: The two main locations that will be shown in our film opening include the math hallway, featuring the yellow floors and lockers, and the woods, where I will be running and captured in.

Dates and Times: The time of our film is in the 80's (1984) . The kidnapping will take place at night and the rest of the film opening will be during school hours. 

Scripts: In our script we will be using music during the credits and dialogue amongst Abbie and Jonathan during school.

Film Equipment: We will be recording on our phones, but when we edit the film opening we are going to make the quality reflect that of a film that came out in the 80's.
